5 Tips For Optimising Images/Photos For Search engines - Opritek

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Friday 12 January 2018

5 Tips For Optimising Images/Photos For Search engines

Opritek: 5 Tips For Optimising Images/Photos For Search engines
Opritek: 5 Tips For Optimising Images/Photos For Search engines
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Opritek: 5 Tips For Optimising Images/Photos For Search engines

Optimization of blogs, webpages, and images has been, and is still being the backbone of blogs or webpages presence on the web. That is, optimization of your blogposts, blogpages, blog-images for search engines is the best way to increase your blog presence on web.

The real and specific reason for this post is simply to advise or rather give some 5 actionable steps that will help you to optimize your blog images/photos for search engine, which will apparently increase your blog's presence on web webpages.

5 Actionable Strategies, For Optimizing Your Blog Images For Search engines.

1. Choose The Right Image Format.

Choosing or searching for the right images/photos, has a lot to do with the presence or ranking of your blog on search engines. Also choosing the wrong images/photos for your blogpost could also denigrate your ranking or presence on search engines.

Which Images/Photos Are The Right One For My Blogposts?

• For those.

Any Image/Photo they say has more than 1000 interpretation. But, when choosing the rightful images/photos for your blogposts ensure these:

• Use images/photos that suites your post.

• Use self owned image(if you probably have one suitable).

• Do not use third party copyrighted images/photos.

How Can I Choose The Right Images/Photos For My Blogposts?

• If you use <img src> to import images/photos to your blogpost;

avoid the use of blocked url

Avoid the use of ' copyrighted ' images/photos. That is, images/photos which are owned by an online image/photo banks, that has been copyrighted(legally claimed by the photo banks other thhan you).

Where Can I Get The Right /Images/Photos For My Blogposts?


Stock snap

Big stock

2. Use ' Alt Description ' Tag

' Alt description tag is a descriptional tag in HTML use for importing images/photos into your blogposts.

' Alt Description ' tagging is a very important action that optimize your images or photos for web and search engines.

Importance of ' Alt Description ' Tag

• It describes your images/photos to search engines crawling your blog.

• It in turns, boost your S.E.O ranking.

Anywhere on the web your images/photos is shared, it describes the reason for them.


You Are Reading Image/Photos Optimizing Tips
• • • • • • •

3+ Tips To Note When You Use The ' Alt Description Tag '

• Ensure the description you use corelate with the image/photo you use

•Avoid Keyword stuffing while describing.

• Avoid long description.

•Ensure your description is informative

How To Use The ' Alt Description Tag '

Using The ' Alt Description Tag '
<img src="your image url goes here" alt="your description goes here">
• • • • • • •

3. Optimize Your Images/Photos (By Compressing)

Search engines like Google, always warn or advise their hostees that, the use of big sized/larg file images/photos could affect or rather, affects your page load time (PLT).

There was this article published by Amazon. The article was explaining how Amazon had lost $1.6billion in 1seconds slow Page Load Time (PLT)

Therefore, so that you can effectively optimize your blog images/photos, which in turns increase your blog's S.E.O ranking. It is imperative you compress the size of your blog images/photos.

How Can I Do This?

Mr constant ' change ', has remain constant. That's the reason
you can successfully compress your blog images/photos using some online photo/image compresser without any noticable depreciation on the images/photos.

What are the sites?

Three Sites For Compressing Images/Photos

Compress Jpeg: It's an online app that allows you to Select up to 20 .jpg or .jpeg images from you device. Or drag files to the drop area. Wait for the compression to finish. Download compressed images either separately or get them all, grouped in a ZIP archive.

Jpeg Optimizer: JPEG-Optimizer is a free online tool for resizing and
compressing your digital photos and images for
displaying on the web in forums or blogs, or for
sending by email. Completely Free.

Tiny Png: TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!

PNG is useful because it’s the only widely supported format that can store partially transparent images. The format uses compression, but the files can still be large. Use TinyPNG to shrink images for your apps and sites. It will use less bandwidth and load faster.

4. Add Social Media share Button To your Images/Photos

Social media as been one of the criteria for websites/blogs on ranking on search engines. Which as made it Imperative for all webmasters and webloggers to integrate social media plug-ins or buttons to their webpags/blogs.

Sites That Can Help You Integrate Social media share buttons on your Images/Photos



5. Sitemap Your Images

Google do advise their hostee to use image sitemaps.
In other to give their search engine more information
about the images available on your website/blog.

This allows them to find even those images that
are loaded by a JavaScript code, which is often
the case with product images/photos and slider galleries.

If you already have a sitemap for your site (and
you should), you can add image information to
it or create a separate sitemap just for your

Creating the sitemap is not too complicated.
Basically, for each URL you list in your sitemap,
you can add additional information about
images on that page. Google gives us an
example for the URL.

< ? xm l v e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 " e n c o d i n g = " U T F - 8 " ? > < u r l s e t xm l n s = " h t t p : / / www . s i t ema p s . o r g / s c h ema s / s i t ema p / 0 . 9 " xm l n s : i ma g e = " h t t p : / / www . g o o g l e . c om/ s c h ema s / s i t ema p - i ma g e / 1 . 1 " > < u r l > < l o c > h t t p : / / e x amp l e . c om/ s amp l e . h t m l < / l o c > < i ma g e : i ma g e > < i ma g e : l o c > h t t p : / / e x amp l e . c om/ i ma g e . j p g < / i ma g e : l o c > < / i ma g e : i ma g e > < i ma g e : i ma g e > < i ma g e : l o c > h t t p : / / e x amp l e . c om/ p h o t o . j p g < / i ma g e : l o c > < / i ma g e : i ma g e > < / u r l > < / u r l s e t >

Future post:

Sites for testing HTML and Javascript code on all devices

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