Samsung to introduce smart glasses, lung recovery solution at CES - Opritek

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Samsung to introduce smart glasses, lung recovery solution at CES

Samsung to introduce smart glasses, lung recovery solution at CES

Samsung to introduce smart glasses, lung recovery solution at CES

Samsung will introduce three new projects out of its C-Lab incubator program at CES, including a recovery solution for people with lung
damage and smart glasses to help people with
visual impairments.
GoBreath, which is paired with a mobile app, is
designed to help patients with lung damage
recover faster.

GoBreath, which looks like a teched-out
inhaler, is a portable device connected to an
app that teaches patients with lung damage
techniques to help with postoperative
recovery. Patients are often told to exercise
deep breathing to speed up recovery, but lung pain can make it challenging.
GoBreath walks patients through the process
and provides exercise guidelines. They can
also check their lung recovery though the app.
Doctors are able to monitor patents' recovery
and send reminders to practice breathing via
an accompanying web and cloud service.

Samsung will also introduce Relúmĭno smart
glasses to help people with visual impairments
see more clearly when they're reading or
looking at an object. The glasses work together
with a smartphone, using its processors and
batteries to keep them lightweight.Relúmĭno smart glasses are designed to help
people with visual impairments see more

Here's how the glasses work: images from
videos are projected through the camera of the
glasses and then processed by a smartphone.
Those processed images are floated into the
display of the glasses, making it easier for the
wearer to see things.Samsung will also be introducing S-Ray, a
portable directional speaker.

C-Lab launched in 2012, and allows employees
to work on projects they're passionate about
outside of their normal jobs. The results of
these projects are not official Samsung
products. The company can decide whether or
not to spin out the projects, or they can be spun out to an independent business. That
means we may never actually see them released as real products.

Seven startups which did spin off from C-Lab
will also participate in CES, including LINKFLOW,
Kitten Planet, lululab, KIDSOFT, Mangoslab,
Innomdle lab, and analogue plus.

"Since launching five years ago, our C-Lab
program has gained exciting momentum
across Samsung, helping foster an innovation
culture, and providing avenue for our creative,
talented employees to pursue innovative new
projects," said Jaiil Lee, vice president and head of the Creativity and Innovation Center at
Samsung, in a statement. "We will continuously
introduce innovative projects through our C-
Lab program."

The Smartest Stuff: Innovators are thinking up new ways to make you, and the things
around you, smarter.

Tech Enabled: CNET chronicles tech's role in providing new kinds of accessibility.

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