First Successful Remote Surgery Using Huawei’s 5G Technology - Opritek

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Tuesday 19 March 2019

First Successful Remote Surgery Using Huawei’s 5G Technology

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In a global first, 5G technology has been used to operate surgical robots during a a man’s treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Performing brain surgery through 5G controlled robots, Dr. Ling Zhipei was at the controls of the sophisticated medical equipment in Sanya City while the patient was in an operating theatre 3,000 kilometres away at a hospital in the Chinese capital Beijing.

The operation was a success with the patient telling medical staff that once the anaesthetic wore off, he felt much better for having had the operation.

This breakthrough comes only months after a surgeon in Fujian performed a successful remote operation on a lab animal using signals transmitted from his surgical controller over a 5G network which sent commands to a surgical robot which removed the liver from the animal on a surgical bed in a distant location.

Because of the extremely low lag time over a 5G network, the doctor was able to conduct the remote surgery in such a way so as to minimise any potential complications caused by the latency associated with older communications systems.

Unlike 4G networks in which there is a delay between the surgeon inputting a command and the robot executing it, over Huawei designed 5G networks there is virtually no lag time (aka latency) between the doctor manipulating the controls and the robots responding. Likewise, video footage of the organs in question taken from robotic cameras is fed to the doctor in true real time.

The rapid leap from conducting a successful veterinary surgery on a lab animal to conducting remote 5G brain surgery on a human patient marks a new era in medical technology that holds great potential for bringing better treatment to those afflicted with serious ailments throughout the world.

Specifically, in respect of developing countries, the 5G transmission of signals from a surgeon in one country to a surgical robot and team of nurses in another will one day allow specialists in highly complex medical situations to care for patients in remote parts of the world that would otherwise never have direct access to high quality and supremely innovative medial care.

The 5G remote brain surgery continues to represent one of the great strides forward in 21st century medical technology. By forgoing the need for highly trained surgeons to travel long distances in order to treat a patient, the new pioneering methods of Chinese doctors and technology experts are helping to shape a new era in medical science in which ordinary people in need of complex surgical treatment will ultimately be the major beneficiaries.

As China is at the forefront of all of these epoch making innovations, it can be said that Chinese scientists are not only helping to make business more efficient, more cost effective and more consumer friendly, but they are actively working to make the world a better place by helping to expand the power of surgical innovation around the world through the use of remote surgery made possible by 5G network speeds.

This is yet another reason why complaints about Huawei technology in the US and some of its traditional partner nations is not only fatuous but could be deeply detrimental to those looking to receive medical treatment that is both of the best quality and deliverable in spite of erstwhile logistical setbacks. For many who seek both more advanced and lower cost medical treatment, China is providing workable solutions that meet the challenges of a changing world.

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