Value: Misconceptions Of Being Valued - Opritek

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Friday 15 March 2019

Value: Misconceptions Of Being Valued

misconceptions of value

Value is defined as the following from English dictionary


Esteem; regard.

The degree of importance given to something.

It's very Important for a man to be valuable.
Many has misinterpreted value to mean, isolation from people. Saying they are busy when they are not. Saying they are not available, whereas they are fully available..

Unfortunately in the real sense, those meaning of value defined by many are things That devalues a man unconsciously and gradually.

One thing everyone should understand is, telling people you aren't available when you are fully available, it's simply means forcing others to value you without having the virtue that makes a man valuable.

As a matter of fact, when you start telling people who need you, I'm busy when you are really not business, or I'm not available when you are really available, it gradually plants a seed of pride in you.


Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 

And from the book of proverbs above, it is known that pride precedes destruction.

The Reason for this article is just to make everyone out there know that, you don't get valued by the following:

  • Hoarding Knowledge
  • Isolating Yourself from "others"
  • Forcing others to value you by making yourself available seasonally, without really doing something that adds virtue to your life.

  • You don't unnecessarily hoard knowledge, unnecessarily tell people you are unavailable, when you are just idle doing nothing that adds virtue to you.

It's not the level of your unavailability that makes you valuable

Its the level of your responsibility that makes you valuable.

And the magnitude of virtue you posses, that you are ready to show to others.

And not telling people you aren't available, just to make them feel you are important or, because you think they can't do without you.

Talking about family [Parents], your availability in your homes apparently shows your level of responsibility. And as matter of fact, responsibility is a virtue that adds value to a man's life.

Talking about bussiness men, civil servants, e.t.c, you don't need to lie or be dishonest to be prosperous in any thing you find yourself offering to your patronage, or to your customers, all in quest to get prosperous quick, or in the quest to protect your dignity. For instance telling people you will see them in a particular time of which you apparently know that won't be possible. But because you want their money or. Because, you are trying to paint yourself responsible[valuable] to them, or you are afraid of your dignity being eroded. You will definitely end up eroding your integrity and dignity, which are the major virtue that makes a man valuable.

24 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.

Withholding [hoarding] doesn't just lead to poverty, it leads to the bankruptcy of anything withheld, mostly needed by others.

As a student, you don't need to tell your fellow students you don't know something you do really know. It's a bad thing to hoard anything that is needed by majority. The ability to give to others what you have which is needed by others, is a virtue that makes one valuable.

In conclusion, I'm not saying setting yourself apart from "others" is bad. As a matter of fact setting yourself apart is the first step you take in the quest of adding value to yourself.
The others I have being talking about from the beginning of this article, is not the *others* that will teach or influence you with virtue that devalues a man. For example, as a man who want to be valuable. You don't move around with men of obscured destiny, men of devaluating virtues, fornicators, drunkards, talkative, e.t.c.

And also as a woman, you don't move around with women that will gradually influence you with a devaluating virtue. That is, you don't tarry in midst of women or people that coins the truth just to suit their desires, fornicators, adulteresses, drunkards, e.t.c

Remember, who/what you tarry long with determines the kind of virtue that will be imparted to you during the fellowshipping.

All I'm ventilating is;

  • When you are available don't say you are not.
  • Don't say you are not available, when you are idle doing nothing that adds no value to a man or, when you are with a devaluating personality/entity.
  • Be available to show others what you really possess, dont withhold[hoard] needed by others.

These above listed, are devaluing virtues.

Lastly don't hoard what you know is needed by others from them, it devalues a man.

24 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.

I end with this, I know of one who as all virtues needed for value, By HIM all things consist.

Colossians 1:17
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 

This personality I'm talking about wants everyone around HIM and HE'S always ready to be around everyone. HE'S the most valued personality of all times.

But mind you, there's a prerequisite for you to enjoy is fellowshipping with you.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: .

All you have to do is, believe in HIM, believe in HIS death and resurrection, decide to do HIS will. And you will be saved and safe by whom all things consist.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. .

Accept JESUS as your SAVIOR and personal LORD, then you are launch into virtue for unending value.

Thanks For Your Time'

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